It’s that time of year again – New Year’s Resolutions. Think of this resolution as more of an intention. What do you want for the new year? Maybe you want something with greater impact – that will benefit more than just one person. The environment and the health of our waterways is something that affects each and every person on the planet. Here are 3 environmental new year’s resolutions!

1. Say no to single-use items. It’s become the norm to use plastic bags at grocery stores, order takeout, and drink from plastic coffee cups with straws. Instead of using something for 30 minutes that will stay in the environment for decades, bring your own bag, container, and straw. This small habit change will decrease the amount of single-use plastics by more than you realize.
2. Get outside. Explore our local waterways to improve your mental and physical health. Spending more time outside will allow you to appreciate nature and our natural resources. In WNY, we have countless waterways and parks to explore. Check out the Buffalo Blueway.
http://www.buffaloblueway.com 3. Advocate for the waterways.
Be an environmental activist by staying up to date on local policies. Attend public meetings, provide public comments, and become more involved in the bills that are passed locally. Sign up for our newsletter.
And take a look at our advocacy focus areas.

Set an intention with the environment in mind. You’ll be surprised at how much one person can accomplish.