Removing barriers and creating access to shared community assets along the Niagara River.
Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper implemented a Living Shorelines project at the Sandy Beach Park Club, located on the north end of Grand Island. Sandy Beach Park Club is a community membership organization that provides a place for families within the Sandy Beach neighborhood to enjoy the waterfront and features a picnic area, beach access, and a small dock. Living Shoreline implementation at the site produced numerous benefits including the creation of new coastal wetland habitat in the Niagara River, enhanced access to the water, and water quality improvements.
Project Timeline
Construction at the site began in November 2015 and concluded in November 2016.
New York Power Authority & Niagara River Greenway Ecological Standing Committee
Sandy Beach Park Club
LDC Construction
Bailey Brothers Enterprise Inc.
The Project

The following improvements were implemented as part of the Sandy Beach Living Shoreline project.
Removal of a significant portion of the existing hardened sheet metal and concrete bulkhead,
Placement of boulders, rocks, and recycled logs in-water to dissipate wave energy and other erosive forces, protect planting areas, and provide important hiding and resting areas for fish, and
Grading the slope to create a transitional living shoreline alongside a gradual sandy beach area,
Planting of native species in-water, along the shoreline, and in upland areas in order to absorb and filter pollutants and nutrients, create critical habitat, and establish root systems that help to combat erosion.
In addition to contributing to a healthier ecosystem, this project also provides unique site-specific learning opportunities for the public. Interpretive signage created for the project can be seen below. Check the events calendar for Waterkeeper public forums and tours of the Sandy Beach Living Shoreline Site.