Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper trains and educates the community in environmental science, environmental justice, and Stewardship while connecting people to water, creating a new generation of guardians working to improve water quality and create equitable public access.
For additional information, or with questions please contact Liz Cute at 716.852.7483, ext. 23 or ecute@bnwaterkeeper.org.
Program Offerings
Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper staff can teach a variety of lessons in the classroom, outdoors, or virtually to strengthen the connection and awareness of local waterway resources and issues.
Lessons can be adapted to meet different grade levels and include a hands-on activity or props. We are also open to leading field trips throughout the Niagara River/Lake Erie Watershed.
Our staff also are often present at school activity or career fairs. If your school is planning that type of event or something similar and would like a representative from Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper to attend, please reach out to us well in advance.
Middle and High School Education
Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper Publications
To view water quality reports, invasive species and native plant guides, Fish Consumption booklets, and more please visit: https://www.bnwaterkeeper.org/resources.
Environmental Justice Webinar Series
What is Environmental Justice? Hear from local environmental advocates about local issues.
What is Happening in My Backyard? Learn to use web-mapping tools to learn more about environmental Justice.
Environmental Justice and Civic Action. Discuss next steps to take action!
Other Resources
- Environmental Justice Mapping Tools for New York Communities – NY Sea Grant
- Youth Education Resources – NY Sea Grant
- Invasive Species Resources – WNY PRISM
- Day in the Life of the Niagara River/Lake Erie Watershed – Reinstein Woods
- If Our Water Could Talk
- Great Lakes in your Classroom
- Storm Smart Schools – EPA
- Great Lakes Ice Levels
- Trash Academy
- eBird Explorers 9-12 Free Investigation
- Mini-Modules for grades 4-12 – WE ACT for Environmental Justice
- WikiWatershed Web Tools
- Think Like a Girl STEM coloring book
- Voting Matters Activity
- Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness
- The Door Flint Opened: America’s Drinking Water Crisis – documentary
- Education Outdoors
- NYSDEC YouTube Videos
- Elementary GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) Resources
- Plastic Pollution Coalition Webinars
- Smart Citizen Science Curriculum
- Water Levels in the Great Lakes Story Map
- Indigenous People’s Day Lesson Plan
”These materials have really perked up what would be an otherwise monotonous online program this year!!!
Meghan H.High School Science Teacher