The Friends of Reinstein Woods is hosting a plant sale. You can order online at the link below or mail in an order form. All orders are due by Thursday, Feb. 29. Mail in orders should be sent in early to arrive by the deadline. Purchases support the Friends of Reinstein Woods.
Plant pick-up will happen in June. You will receive a reminder email or phone call to let you know that your plants are ready, and to instruct you on how to get to the garage to pick them up.
The dates held for plant pick up are:
For more information, call 716-683-5959.
Native plants provide sources of nectar, pollen, and seeds for both insects and birds. Not only will these flowers create an attractive garden, but they help pollinators such as hummingbirds, butterflies, and honeybees. Native plants also require less maintenance and watering, reduce the use of pesticides and lawn fertilizers, and improve air and water quality.
Learn More and Order Here