YELP is an immersive, after-school, science education and mentoring program for high school students.
As a complement to STEM education, the program introduces students to local environmental issues and guides them in exploring solutions. Students participate in active outdoor activities, study our shoreline restoration sites, and learn to take water samples to evaluate stream health.
YELP Mentors spend a summer working alongside Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper staff professionals. Some of our former YELP mentors shared what the program has mean to them, you can read about their experiences below. As you will see, YELP can have a life-changing impact and inspire our future environmental leaders, and you can help by making a donation today.
Ashanti says…
“YELP made me realize what negative impacts are happening in our environment, and how we can make a difference.”
Amani says…
“I participated in YELP two Summers ago; I really enjoyed the program and I miss it dearly. This program made me look at everything that has to do with the environment so differently, it actually made so much of an impact on me that I started to love science. When I first started this I really didn’t care for environmental science but now I love it.”
Champa says…
“YELP has had a big impact on me. After I finished the program I started cleaning my environment. I started keeping rain barrels so I can use rainwater and save water. I have been teaching my friends, neighbors, and family how to keep our environment clean.”
Mohmad says…
“YELP taught me so many things, one of them is to always have connection with nature and respect our local environment. It definitely affected my decisions. I spread every little thing I learned to my family members and my friends.”
One way to ensure clean water for our future is to connect, inspire and educate the next generation of water stewards. Through our Young Environmental Leaders Program (YELP), we are changing lives first hand. YELP is an after-school, immersive, science education and mentoring program for high school students. As a compliment to STEM education, the program introduces students to local environmental issues and guides them in exploring solutions.
Hands-on learning opportunities bring local environmental issues to life for the students and introduce them to concepts beyond the reach of the classroom setting. Since its inception in 2014, Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper’s Young Environmental Leaders Program (YELP) has directly engaged over 150 students from area public schools.We have a vision to expand the YELP program to reach more schools and more students in many other areas of Erie and Niagara County, changing more lives today and ensuring more stewards to protect our water resources tomorrow.
A donation of $150 supports an immersive, science based, outdoor experience for a student. By making a donation to Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper, you can help us inspire our future environmental leaders and ensure we continue to protect and restore our water resources.
At Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper, we find solutions to protect and restore our region’s waterways. After over a generation of work, the Buffalo River Restoration is nearing completion. The results have sparked our region’s resurgence, from our thriving waterfronts to our protected upstream forests. But our work isn’t done. We must continue to ensure that the restoration we’ve accomplished is protected and continued for generations to come. We can’t do that without your support.
The way to ensure clean water for our future is to connect, inspire and educate the next generation of water stewards. Through our Young Environmental Leaders Program (YELP), we are changing lives first hand. We have a vision to expand the YELP program to reach more schools and more students in many other areas of Erie and Niagara County, changing more lives today and ensuring more stewards to protect our water resources tomorrow. We need your help to do that. Your donations to Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper will directly support YELP and all of our programs to protect, restore, connect and inspire.
A donation of $150 supports an immersive, science based, outdoor experience for a student. By making a donation to Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper, you can help us inspire our future environmental leaders and ensure we continue to protect and restore our water resources.