All photo submissions must be within the range shown on this map in order to be considered.
In 1987, the Buffalo River was listed as a hotspot of contamination in the Great lakes, through the Area of Concern (AOC) Program. In 2018, the Buffalo River Remedial Advisory Committee will recommend removal of the “Degradation of Aesthetics” Beneficial Use Impairment (BUI.) This BUI is given to waterways with excessive debris, oil sheens, or other causes which degrade the waterway. Removal of this BUI is a cause for regional pride and celebration. To memorialize this important milestone, we are asking members of the community to submit photographs to the Buffalo River photo contest.
Historically, the River was viewed as a mechanism for shipping and industry. “Signs of Spring” were typically meant to describe the ice-free period of the River, so that ships and freighters could navigate again. However, extensive remediation efforts have signified a return of habitat and wildlife in the Buffalo River.
We are seeking photograph submissions of “Signs of Spring” in 2018 to showcase Buffalo River’s revitalization. The winning photograph will be included in the BUI removal report, released on May 1.
For more information about the AOC program and BUIs, visit the EPA’s website.

Courier Express. May 24, 1904.

Buffalo Businesses Magazine. April 1951.
#BNWBuffaloRiver — Use this hashtag and follow us on social media!
Time Frame
The photo contest will last from April 10 – April 29, 2018. All entries must be received by April 29 at 11:59 pm EST. The winner will be notified through email, and publicly announced when the AOC report is released for public comment in 2018.
Who May Enter
Contest is open to the general public. If less than 20 photos are received by the contest end date, staff photos will also be considered.
How to Enter
All entries must be submitted in digital format via social media or email. Submissions can be entered via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for social media. Be sure to use the hashtag so that we can find your photos! #BNWBuffaloRiver Include a title for the photo and the location of where the photo was taken in the caption. Photos can also be emailed to buffaloriver@bnwaterkeeper.org, with the subject line, “BNWBuffaloRiver.”
- Photo must be within the Buffalo River AOC boundary (see map above)
- All submissions must be original and be taken between April 10 – 25, 2018
- No close-ups or portraits of people
- Each entrant may submit up to five photos
- Ideal photos will showcase the aesthetics, improvements, and/or increased recreational use of the Buffalo River
- Must submit through email or social media platforms Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram
- For email submission, send photo to buffaloriver@bnwaterkeeper.org with the subject line “BNWBuffaloRiver”
- For social submission, tag Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper in the photo on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and use the #BNWBuffaloRiver hashtag
Note: This contest is not affiliated with Facebook. Through submission of your photograph, you give us the right to use it for educational purposes and future publications. Submitting your photo through social media and email does not increase your chances of winning the contest.