A message from our Executive Director on Behalf of Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper:
Often, our work brings us to Washington, DC – we have walked the halls of Congressional offices, the Capitol building, and even spent time in the White House. These visits have included spirited debate and advocacy, but nearly always resulted in meaningful action for our community and the Great Lakes. Never once has our work or our voice slipped into violent rhetoric, action or hatred towards other Americans. We are appalled at the desecration of our sacred institutions of democracy. This is beyond un-American, and is a stark reminder that democracy is not a spectator sport. We appeal to our local elected leaders and WNY community to unequivocally condemn these actions and not allow division or hatred to fester in our own community.
Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper condemns the actions of the insurrectionists in DC and the hate that was displayed, the violence, and ongoing threat to democracy. We disavow the disgusting display of Confederate and Nazi propaganda displayed during yesterday’s attack in the Capitol building. Like most of the country, we are shocked, angered, and saddened by the events in DC yesterday. Democracy is bent, not broken — united we heal.